Peace be upon you!..Increasing Turbulent State of Affairs around the World...The Solution!
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2007-11-28 06:23:57 UTC
=[1]= The entire world, be it the West or the East, the developed
world or the developing world, is enveloped in a chaotic situation....
Some are concerned about the internal disorder in their countries,
some are concerned about a terrorist threat - threat of a terrorism
that stems from political or so-called religious basis; so-called,
because no true religion ever promotes terrorism, in particular the
teaching of Islam.... In Islam it is completely unacceptable for a
citizen of a country to commit such acts, but it is unfortunate that
some people transgress in the name of God.... Then there are nations
engulfed in natural disasters, in short anyone with compassion for
humanity and fear of God cannot help but reflect that no one in the
world seems to have peace.
=[2]= In this age Promised Messiah 'sCommunity is concerned about the
global situation as well as the state of peace affairs (in their own
189-homelands)..... This thinking is the outcome of the reasons for his
advent which are to strengthen faith and prove the existence of God to
people.... He felt that the state of affairs were such that the reliance
people had on worldly means was missing in their connection with God....
He said he was commissioned to restore the connection between God and
His creation and to bring an end to religious wars.... He explained that
the two chief commandments of the Qur'an are regarding the Unity of
God and compassion for humanity.
=[3]= He was sent for the reformation of the world at a time when self-
interest was rampant. He showed the way to avoid that evil. The
attention is required towards establishing the Unity of God, to
generate a personal connection with God and to have compassion for
creation.....One must try and explain to people the reasons and causes
for the calamities and the disturbances that occur all around us:
i- in previous, 1100- years there were 11- big earthquakes (50,000
plus deaths each) =BUT= in last 100 years, 13- major quakes !
ii- wars from year 1900 to 2000 = 95 million deaths.
iii- This year floods and earthquakes in Indonesia (Feb), a huge
earthquake in the Solomen Islands, floods in Pakistan, floods in
Bangladesh (June) , in India (July), in The UK (July), huge earthquake
in Japan, a natural disaster in USA (Aug), floods in China, heavy
rainfalls and flooding in N. Korea, the Peru earthquake, more
flooding in Pakistan.....In Australia natural disasters caused havoc
with the motorways... Horrendous rainfall in Burkina Faso; a hurricane
caused havoc in Hawaii as well an earthquake... An unprecedented
tropical cyclone occurred in the Arabian Sea, there was a tornado in
Alabama USA and flooding in South Africa etc now and very recently in
Bangladesh the biggest cyclone in the last 47 years which has left
600,000 people homeless. Etc..>>
=[4]= This restlessness will not ease and peace could not be
established while transgressions against one who was sent from God
continue.... Indeed the world says that the seasonal storms and extreme
weather are because of climatic changes etc. However, it bears
thinking that a hundred years ago a person had declared that if people
did not pay attention to his Divine message God would exhibit signs
through natural disasters... He had also warned about earthquakes which
have been occurring with astonishing frequency in the past hundred
=[5]= He claimed :

1) to re-establish spiritual relation of human with God based upon
love and sincerity.
2) no wars on the name of God and installation of peace.
3) to re-illumine the divine truths for words of wisdom.
4) to develop spirituality in human which is lost under the darkness
of selfishness.
5) Reflection of attributes of God be shown in human by self-
example---by means of prayers and spiritual attention.
6) to remind people about the pure unity of God.
His humble claim=all mentioned goals shall be accomplished not by
him--but with the help of Lord of heaven and Earth.

=[6]= His Community shows practically compassion for humanity even to
those who persecute them in their homelands around the globe...
=[7]=Oppressors should take heed from the situation in Afghanistan
where two pious person of Promised Messiah's community were martyred -
this is when it was revealed to the Promised Messiah (on whom be
peace) that two of his people were martyred God would grant him
nations. ....Today there remain his community in Afghanistan, although
not many, but in accordance to the Divine promise the Promised Messiah
has been granted 'nations'[200 million plus pious people in 189
countries]. However, the forewarning the Promised Messiah (on whom be
peace) gave to the land of Kabul has come true with precision and it
is clear to see that the one who gave this admonition was none other
than from God.
=[8]= The responsibles who run affairs of lands must not fear those
who create terror in the name of religion. Only the fear of God is
required. Peace comes when religion is practiced with freedom and the
rights of each citizen are honored.
=[9]= One must seek help from Allah and pray 'Guide us in the right
path' (1:6) lest we are impatient. It is one's task to observe utmost
patience so that Allah's blessings descend.
Promised divine peace maker in latter days www.alislam.org ,
www.mta.tv with
2007-12-06 19:09:40 UTC
The best way to avoid wars is to abandon this silly idea that ther is a
god. Where is your proof ?
The purpose of religion is to control and tax.