2008-03-05 08:04:14 UTC
The two basic reasons behind the renewal of calculated multifaceted
defaming attacks on religion Islam are:
i) Unbiased people with clear conscience are turning to Islam when
they examine its Holy Book.
ii) This religion fulfills the needs of the time.
A lady journalist from west was caught in Afghanistan. Her capturers
released her on the promise that she will read the Holy Book Quran.
After arriving home, she read the Holy Book and she found that the
treatment of women in Afghanistan was not according to the high
education of that Holy Book. She accepted Islam. Latter while on job
in a muslim country, she successfully fought legal battles to get the
God given rights to women. She argued that Islam gives equal rights to
women and it was the responsibility of the muslim governments to
safeguard these rights....She carried out a struggle against those who
were not practicing their religion. Examples like this are worrying
anti-Islam groups.
Improper practices against Prophets of God and their great religions
are not new. Now Islam is the target. From people of Mecca to
neighboring kingdoms [of that time] Iran and Rome, various ill wishers
stood against the great religion.
Today some great powers are using unfair practices toward Islam. Their
own public is not supporting such acts and is raising voice against
such strategies. Generally the people, through media and internet,
have shown their strong dislike on the current republication of
Cartoons in Denmark.
According to the analysis of holy caliph / successor of holy promised
messiah ( w.mta.tv ), this current wave against Islam is not the work
of a few writers, elected officials, politicians or cartoonists but
behind them are the great powers who are afraid of the beauty of
peaceful Islamic teachings and they do not want their public to know
about these. These worldly powers want to establish their dominance
using the name of religion. They are attempting to become god. Now the
fate of Islam's peaceful message is to spread, not through terrorism
or militism but through messiah of the age. [ Peace advice by holy
caliph is distributed by the speaker of Danish parliament to
members....The Queen sent good words on her religious day.]
To get spiritual, moral and social guidance from the pristine
teachings of the Holy Book, one has to be pure hearted and attentive.
The Book is easily understandable. It has deep meanings too. Unbiased
minds get benefit from it. In this era community of holy promised
messiah portrays the beauties of its teachings. History has shown that
those who try to malign the blessed Holy Prophet and the Book are
never spared by God Almighty.
Prayers can bring heavenly signs. Abandoning the misunderstandings and
uniting for noble purpose is way to safety.
defaming attacks on religion Islam are:
i) Unbiased people with clear conscience are turning to Islam when
they examine its Holy Book.
ii) This religion fulfills the needs of the time.
A lady journalist from west was caught in Afghanistan. Her capturers
released her on the promise that she will read the Holy Book Quran.
After arriving home, she read the Holy Book and she found that the
treatment of women in Afghanistan was not according to the high
education of that Holy Book. She accepted Islam. Latter while on job
in a muslim country, she successfully fought legal battles to get the
God given rights to women. She argued that Islam gives equal rights to
women and it was the responsibility of the muslim governments to
safeguard these rights....She carried out a struggle against those who
were not practicing their religion. Examples like this are worrying
anti-Islam groups.
Improper practices against Prophets of God and their great religions
are not new. Now Islam is the target. From people of Mecca to
neighboring kingdoms [of that time] Iran and Rome, various ill wishers
stood against the great religion.
Today some great powers are using unfair practices toward Islam. Their
own public is not supporting such acts and is raising voice against
such strategies. Generally the people, through media and internet,
have shown their strong dislike on the current republication of
Cartoons in Denmark.
According to the analysis of holy caliph / successor of holy promised
messiah ( w.mta.tv ), this current wave against Islam is not the work
of a few writers, elected officials, politicians or cartoonists but
behind them are the great powers who are afraid of the beauty of
peaceful Islamic teachings and they do not want their public to know
about these. These worldly powers want to establish their dominance
using the name of religion. They are attempting to become god. Now the
fate of Islam's peaceful message is to spread, not through terrorism
or militism but through messiah of the age. [ Peace advice by holy
caliph is distributed by the speaker of Danish parliament to
members....The Queen sent good words on her religious day.]
To get spiritual, moral and social guidance from the pristine
teachings of the Holy Book, one has to be pure hearted and attentive.
The Book is easily understandable. It has deep meanings too. Unbiased
minds get benefit from it. In this era community of holy promised
messiah portrays the beauties of its teachings. History has shown that
those who try to malign the blessed Holy Prophet and the Book are
never spared by God Almighty.
Prayers can bring heavenly signs. Abandoning the misunderstandings and
uniting for noble purpose is way to safety.