Forebearance, Gentleness and Good Morals: Promised Messianic Way to Peace.
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2008-04-09 05:58:32 UTC
1= (i)-To bring human close to God. (ii)- To raise the standard of
righteousness of human so that they can imbue the attributes of God at
human level.....These are fundamentals of promised spiritual reforms in
this era.

2= These reforms demands pledge for piousness and piety.

3= Forebearance, gentleness and good morals are the instruments, by
which the reformer takes pain and stuggles to pull the long lost
people towards divine light. Practice of forebearance is required
inside the home and outside as well. It helps to spread peace.

4= Pulling towards guidance is like lighting the path which is
directed to God.. This path has enlighted stages. Passions continue to
increase to reach next stage. Each stage illumine the way to next
one..Guide and guided ones continue efforts.

5= Practice gentleness, forebearance along with no use of force is the
spiritual ointment prescibed by the guided promised reforming messiah
(mta.tv) --- Being the perfect representation (62:4) of his master,
the blessed holy prophet of high moral excellences, he requires from
the pledgeres to implement the forgotten great teachings and practice
piety to family, friends, opponents and society.

6= To practice righteousness and to advise the weaks in private is the
reforming call; ill manners / morals stem from arrogance endangering
the faith and belief. Lack of gentleness and arrogance is the root of
many human conflicts. First reformation is done by the self. Timely
control of tempers saves from many subsequent unrests.

7= A child talk gentle and mild before it learn the ways of world.
This fact shows gentility is inherented in us. Deriding, defaming,
nicknaming, suspecting needlessly, spying, backbiting are to be
avoided (49:12+) . Good things said and heard in response make peace.

8= To imbue divine attributes on human level, attitude of a believer
has to be gentle and in accordance.

9= Reforms also need that one does not chase matters of others with
ill intent. One need to control one's temper ; one who flares into a
temper cannot say anything of wisdom. Furry is half madenss, if it
exceeds limits it becomes total madness.

10= Some more words of reforming wisdom: (a)- Never be arrogant to
anyone, even though he/she is your subordinate. (b)-Donot call name to
anyone, even if he/she call name.(c)- Be humble, kind, pure intented
and sympathetic to creature so that you should be accepted.

11= Prayers and good works are the conditions, made by Allah, to the
beneficence of Caliphate / Khilafat. Righteousness and piety is the
promised messianically explained root.
2008-04-10 23:06:35 UTC
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