Advent of the Promised Messiah
(too old to reply)
2007-10-10 01:55:22 UTC
Peace be upon you....
=(1)= O ye who believe! Respond to Allah, and the Messenger when he
calls you that he may give you life, and know that Allah comes in
between a man and his heart, and that He it is unto Whom you shall be
gathered. Surah Al Anfal (8:25)........
By accepting the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) / the Mahdi ,
one 'responds to Allah' as mentioned in the verse cited above... By
doing so, he/she declares to have belief in the commandments and
prophecies of the Qur'an as well as all the prophecies of the Holy
Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) ...Through this
declaration and a promise to put it in practice one hopes to find a
new spiritual life.
(2) The blessed Promised Messiah simply asks for adherence to Allah
and His Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah upon him), as he states
in the 3rd condition of his pledge of allegiance/declaration of
initiation (Bai'at):-- *That he/she shall regularly offer the five
daily prayers in accordance with the commandments of God and the Holy
Prophet Muhammad and shall try his/her best to be regular in offering
the tahajjud and invoking durud on the Holy Prophet Muhammad...* [durud=
invoking of blessings of Allah on the holy Prophet]......
--- Again in the 5th condition it is stated: *That he/she shall
remain faithful to God in all circumstances of life, in sorrow and in
happiness, in adversity and in prosperity, in felicity and in trail;...*
---And in the 6th condition: *...shall completely submit himself/
herself to the authority of the Holy Qur'an; and that he/she shall
make the Word of God and the sayings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad his/
her guiding principle in every walk of his/her life.*
=(3)= In short acceptance of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace)
is to put the commandments of Allah and the Prophet in practice and to
achieve a new spiritual life.... Fortunate is one who joins in this
cause and adheres to it...... It is indeed an utterly False accusation
that in accepting the Promised Messiah as the Messiah, the Mahdi and a
prophet one lowers [God forbid] the station of the Holy Prophet
(peace and blessings of Allah be on him).
=(4)= The true love and ardent devotion of the Promised Messiah (on
whom be peace) for the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be
on him) is evident from the following extract from his writings:----
"The Holy Prophet came into the world so that he might bestow hearing
on the deaf, who had continued in that condition for hundreds of
years. Who is blind and who is deaf? The same one who does not accept
the Unity of God and who does not accept this Prophet who revived the
Unity of God on the earth; the same Prophet who converted the wild
ones into men and then converted them into men possessing true moral
qualities, then dyed them in the Divine colour of those who establish
their relationship with God; the same Prophet, the sun of
righteousness, at whose feet thousands of those who had died of
paganism and atheism and evil living were revived and came to life and
a sample of the Judgment Day was exhibited." ....elsewhere the blessed
promised Messiah likened the earth as dead before the advent of the
Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) which was
brought to life/transformed by his revolutionary teaching and
spirituality..... Regarding his profound belief in God and the Prophet
he maintained that if all the combined faith of this world was put in
one side of scales and his faith on the other side, with the grace if
God, his side would be heavier.
=(5)= There is none who could match such eloquence and depth of
expression about the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on
him)....Indeed Allah has made the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of
Allah be on him) as the source to attain spirituality and the Promised
Messiah (on whom be peace) is his humble servant and true and ardent
devotee, whose advent came to pass in complete subservience to the
Prophet so that a community may come together on the hand of this Imam
to 'respond to' Allah and His Prophet.
=(6)= For spiritual development and for completion of faith it is
compulsory to accept the Imam of the age about whom the Holy Qur'an
prophesizes and about whom the Holy Prophet said to give his salaam
(greetings) on meeting.... Turn to Allah and the Prophet, after
'believing' (4:137) indicates that it is not enough to make a verbal
declaration of one's faith, rather faith should be ingrained in one's
=(7)= It should be reflected over the words of one who is calling in
this age, what he maintains about himself and what are his views about
the lofty station of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be
on him).....It should also be observed the hundred year of further
spiritual decline of his rejecters even though his advent was foretold
1400 years ago and he was being anxiously waited.... The reason for this
is evidently their rejection of one to whom the Prophet sent his
salaam....Negative collaborations of any magnitude cannot extinguish the
illumination that has been lighted by Allah..
=(8)= The blessed Caliph further said : Allah is between human and his
heart.... Sincere prayers are answered...Prayers are needed for those who
were supposed to be reformers but their own condition is worsening.....
One is required to abide by all the commandments of God and the
Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him)... may the Imam of the
age be recognized rather than be opposed.... Many pure souls do
recognize... Courageous accept the truth despite the adversity.
=(9)= A report from the Arab world gives most promising and
encouraging news of pure souls who are recognizing.......These people have
had dreams in which they have seen the Promised Messiah (on whom be
peace) prior to witnessing his photograph.... These people have deep
conviction of faith and maintain they do not need any proofs or
arguments to convince them..... It is reported that previously most
people used to argue but recently most tend to agree and many have
already 'seen' the Promised Messiah' in dreams.....
=(10)= The blessed Caliph asked to pray profusely for their guidance
and to spread the truth-to get divine blessings... A believer's task is
not accomplished without sincere prayers... In the last ten blessed days
of Ramadan the most significant prayer - which will gain acceptance
for all other prayers - is to make heart-felt entreaties for the
creation, heart-felt entreaties for the all believers and heart-felt
entreaties for the Light spreading..... If we pray for this with angst
and true feelings most certainly Allah will accept our all other
needs..... Sincere and fervent prayers would certainly bring about
revolutionary changes, just as Allah is exhibiting to people in the
Arab world through dreams and visions. All this is the result of the
prayers of one who was totally and utterly absorbed in Allah, prayers
made by him 1400 years ago. These prayers revived hundreds of
thousands of spiritually dead, today, the age of his true and ardent
devotee is also partaking of the acceptance of his prayers; prayers
that he made for this age, for his age commenced from his own advent
and will last till the Day of Judgment.
=(11)= Efforts and successes in these matters should never be
attributed to one's greatness or hard work... Rather it would be due to
the fulfillment of Divine promise to our master and his ardent
devotee, which in turn grants us beneficence as well.... Prayers for
message of blessed Holy Prophet to reach into hearts, spiritual
revival of its adherents and for attainment of the lofty objective of
life are to be done. May Allah enable all to do so.
Promised divine peace of latter days @ www.alislam.org www.mta.tv
2007-10-12 00:32:46 UTC
Who is this so-called messiah ?
2007-10-12 23:36:59 UTC
Johnny Carson!
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Who is this so-called messiah ?
2007-11-28 06:18:17 UTC
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Who is this so-called messiah ?
messiah at=

The Promised Messiah
* His Photograph
* A Life Sketch of the Promised Messiah (as)
* Aversion to publicity (Malfoozat)
* My Claim
* The Promised Messiah's Beliefs (from his writings)
* Books of The Promised Messiah
* Introducing the Books of The Promised Messiah as by Mr. Naseem
* The Promised Messiah and Mahdi (book) by Dr. Aziz Ahmad Chaudhry
* Ahmad The Guided One (book) by Iain Adamson
* Short Biography of The Promised Messiahas (Urdu) by Maulana Dost
Muhammad Shahid
* Morals of Ahmad as (Urdu) By Majlis Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya, Qadian,
* An American Impostor - A Sign for the West!
* Death of Lekh Ram - A Sign for the people of India
* Miraculous knowledge of Arabic
* Promised Messiah Has Come (Poem)
* Message of the Promised Messiah for Contemporary Society
* The case of the Missing Messiah
* Excerpts@ from his writings
* Malfoozat@ (so said the Promised Messiah)
